Empowering rural communities with reliable WiFi solutions!

Upgrades, Expansion, & New Construction
We go there!
Most folks can setup and install a few types of equipment.
Our team brings certified integration
& installation specialists
Phillips Communication Services
"5 Step Process" Advantage:
1. Installation Planning
2. Installation Execution
3. Integration & Testing
4. Fine Tuning & Training
5. Project Acceptance
We Get it right the 1st time!
Our Success has placed us at:
Schools, Municipalities, Churches, Small to fortune 500 Companies...
We go there!
Our partnering and direct installation services are highly sought after: Our team is respectful, clean, professional, and basically good ole boys (and girls) that were taught right, and treat people right.
We can work with You!

Matt's Tech Tips
7/15/2023: APs (Access Points): Why you should consider
Wider and broader WiFi transmission range
More bandwidth to more users, compared to routers
Stronger signals for sending and receiving data
Safer/More Secure for environments than routers
Flexible and easier to manage
8/15/23: Cell Boosters: Why you should consider!
Stronger signal.
Enhanced security.
Clearer calls.
Longer battery life.
Enhance signal inside metal buildings & under metal roofs.
How the Phillips Team Delivers
When you know the process, expectations are met
Before, During, & After:
- Job Based Status
- Job Based Pictures & Video
- Job Based Exceptions
- Job Based Survey
Daily Standup's
Team review and status:
- Previous Day Accomplishments
- Current Day Objectives
- Job Completion Date
Complete when you're satisfied:
- Review all components
- Test/Validate connectivity
- 30 Day guarantee
- Support agreements available
See Our Work

The Phillips team installed StarLink at main building location, then added point-to-point connections to all others, we now have four buildings connected with one data service.
There support is very responsive as we grow and expand our business.
Joe, Owner
Rural Business
Before Matt came out, we had another satellite with minimal coverage to our home, guest cabin, and outdoor kitchen.
Now, with WiFi Extenders, Cell Boosters, point-to-point connection, our savings will be close to $350.00 a month with connection speeds we did not know we could ever reach.
Julia, Work from Home Mom
Rural Property

My staff and patients have all said that all our equipment is finally working after the Phillips installation and monthly business services to my office. The local cellular carrier was just too unstable.
Thier group then installed services at our ranch home, barn, and gate
Kathy MD, Pediatrics
Rural Physician